
Korres - Mandarin Lip Butter SPF 15 in Peach

 This is just a quick blog post to review this gorgeous lip butter!
As we all know, its the time of year were our lips are going through the wars :( -Which is the last thing we want as Valentines Day is just round the corner! 

I picked this lip butter up the other day in Shear Beauty, and the first thing that attracted me to this was, of course, the packaging! Its very vintage and classy looking, and came in various colours all with different individual packaging!  

This lip butter contains SPF 15, and leaves your lips so smooth with a tint of peach. 

The Claim: Lip butter that instantly hydrates and softens the lips. Shea butter and Sunflower wax deeply nourish and offer long-lasting care, while Manderin oil conditions dry lips.
Ideal for chapped lips.
Parabin free_Mineral oil free
Silicone free_Propylene Glycol free
Ethanolamine free

Iv been using this Lip Butter religiously during these cold, blustery days and i notice a difference as soon as I put this on! 

5star from me! 



  1. Loooove it. <3 Will definitely be buying some! Chow fo now ;)

  2. Hi! i just found your blog and i really like it!
    I've followed you, would you mind to check out my blog? (=

    Maria xx


  3. Replies
    1. it really is! I love the packaging so much! :) x

  4. I use this too..and i can't fault it amazing product xx


    1. I'm so glad you agree! I literally can't say anything bad about this product at all! :) x

  5. I just nominated your sexy ass for the Liebster Award! <3 That's what you get for having an awesome blog!

  6. This sounds really good. I have one of the korres lip butters in the pot form which I love but this looks even better because you don't have to put your finger in. Haven't heard of these before and will definitely be looking into them. Lovely review :) x

    1. Yes, i love this product so much!
      yeah, thats what i find with Vaseline but with the Vaseline stick I find they dry my lips out a lot :( so im very pleased iv found this product! :)
      thank you, im glad you like the post!


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