I was delighted to find out I was nominated for The Liebster Award by Ellen-Ann
Basically The Liebster Award is to help promote and learn about other bloggers with below 200 followers and you can then submit other bloggers who deserve some support to keep doing what they are doing.
The rules state that a nominee must link back to the blogger from whom they received a nomination. The nominee will then write 11 random facts about themselves and then answer the The rules state that a nominee must link back to the blogger from whom they received a nomination. The nominee will then write 11 random facts about themselves and then answer the 11 questions which have been set for them. They will then in turn nominate fellow bloggers that they think deserve some recognition and pose 11 questions to them. This is a great chance for fellow bloggers to get to know each other and have some fun!
So, Here are the 11 random facts about me! -Enjoy!
1. It snowed the day I was born, making me a snow baby!
2. I swallowed a bead the size of a small pea when I was younger and thought I was going to die :(
3. I've been dating my boyfriend for a 1year, 4months &1 day! (9/10/11)
4. I've been skiing since I was 6
5. Im addicted to the biggest earrings you can find.
6. I love chocolate, I have it every single night with out a doubt.
7. When I was a baby my dog use to lay under my cot and growl at mum when she came to see me because she thought I was her puppy.
8. I cant stop buying makeup and beauty products.
9. Im a 'champagne gal'.
10. I want a pet elephant.
11. I love musicals, my Favorite at the moment is Phantom of the opera.
My questions from Ellen-Ann
1. What are you favourite top 5 songs right now?
212 -Azealia Banks,
Get up (rattle) -Bingo Players,
Drinking from the bottle -Calvin harris
One Day/Reckoning Song -Asaf Avidan & The Mojos
Rapture - Nadia Ali
2. What is the last thing on your bucket list?
Sky diving
3. Favourite movie or tv show?
4. How would you describe you personal style?
Clothes I like :)
5. What is your favourite beauty product?
6. What is your favourite item of clothing?
7. What country would you like to live in?
America -LA
8. What can you not go a day without doing?
My Makeup
9. Who is your favourite musician?
10. Favourite quote?
"imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring"
- Marilyn Monroe
11. Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? (Hello Mean Girls quote)
"my.. my what?"
My Nominations
My Questions to Nominees
1. What can you not live with out?
2. Your favourite film?
3. Your favourite meal?
4. Your fantasy pet
5. Your favourite beauty brand
6. Your favourite item of clothing?
7. Favourite Band?
8. Your Perfect Holiday?
9. Your favourite Disney film?
10. How many piercings/tattoos do you have? if so, where?
11. Celebrity one-night stand?
It's nice to get to know you better, Fiona. You're one hella stunning snow-girl;-)))